14th Serbian Conference on Spectral Line Shapes in Astrophysics
Bajina Bašta, Serbia, June 19 - 23, 2023

Registration and fee

The registration of participants is opened. In order to register please fill in the form at the following link.

Your registration will be confirmed by email when we receive this form!

Abstract submission

Abstracts (one page) of contributions deadline is April 1, 2023. The template for preparation of abstracts is available at this link.
Abstract submissions should be both .tex and .pdf file. Rename abstract file name prior to submitting to reflect presenting author as "LASTNAME_FIRSTINITIAL.tex" and "LASTNAME_FIRSTINITIAL.pdf".
If you have more than one abstract, please denote them by adding the number in filename.
Please, send your carefully prepared abstract files on [email protected] with the email subject: abstract.

The second announcement with the list of contributions accepted by the Scientific Committee and preliminary list of invited lectures will be sent until May 1, 2023 only to registered participants.

Conference fee

The conference fee will be 300 EUR for researchers (250 EUR before April 1, 2023) and 200 EUR for students (150 EUR before April 1, 2023), and includes the conference kit, the printed book of abstracts, the welcome cocktail, coffee breaks, and social activities.

For the payment instruction, please contact the official technical organizer of the conference, PanaComp Agency at [email protected] with the subject of the email "14th SCSLSA".

Exceptionally, the payment will be possible in cash at the registration desk.

Financial support

The Organizing Committees will try to find sources for financial support for a limited number of young participants (PhD students). The participants who are interested in financial support should send their request and one page abstract to the LOC until April 1, 2023.


Registration: April 1, 2023
Reduced-conference fee payment: April 1, 2023
Abstract submission: April 1, 2023
Deadline for booking hotel Zepter: May 1, 2023
Second Announcement: May 1, 2023
Final Announcement: June 1, 2023
Paper submission: July 15, 2023

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